
Easy Ribbon Roses (folded ribbon)

Here's a fun little project for your longer ribbon scraps. Make them into fun little roses for hair clips, gifts and other stuff.
Double sided ribbon looks the best for this project. Once you get the hang of it you'll be pounding these things out. The first one is the hardest. : )
I did a little photo slideshow to show you how to make these little fun things. I can't wait to have a new video camera so I can just do video tutorials. :)


The Dreamstress said...

I think these are so cute! My grandmother used to make them. She tried to teach me. She failed. My sister learned. She tried to teach me. She failed too.

I guess I should try again!

Covered In Crafts said...

Aloha, you gotta pick that ribbon back up. You can do it. :) I wish I had a crafty grandma. I'm jealous!

Unknown said...

oh this is amazing, gonna try it

Anonymous said...

Fabulous demo, that really helped me a lot.

Keep the hints coming, Love them.



Anonymous said...

is there a way to make the rose with more corners?