
Chain Mail Tea Lights

This was a fun little project. I made a wrap for tea lights. It's simple 4-in-1. 19 center rings made the perfect size. There was some temptation to make a neoprene set but I fear the heat from the burning candle might melt the neo rings.

I know, they are simple and easy so why even share them? Mostly because I thought they were fun. It's not something you see everyday. You know it is goes. Click the pic for a larger view. Hope you dig them.


Brandy said...

Those are super cute!! I love unique candle holders!!

Creative Junkie said...

I just found your blog through 2peas ... and holy cow, you are one crafty person! I absolutely LOVE those tea lights! And pretty much everything else you have done!

SplendidlyImperfect said...

Those are pretty. I've never seen chainmail tea lights before.

Jen said...

Wow, I love these!! They are so pretty. What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I'm loving all the crafts on your blog! You are so talented! The cakes are awesome!

Kris from 2peas

Cloves said...

That's pretty cool. Do you make the chain mail yourself?

Covered In Crafts said...

Thanks everyone!
I do make the chainmail myself. I will even make my own rings on occasion. The rings I buy all come from TheRingLord.com. I love neoprene rings and I cannot make those, so I have to buy them.

These rings are adonozed (sp?) aluminum and are simple to make. The weaveing of rings is super easy. THis is hte easiest weave by far but it's cute anyway. :)

FlipFlop Mom said...

Trollie is right.. your blog is adorable!! Just like you!!! GREAT job!!

Kerilou said...

Very cool idea!! I am really liking your blog. Thanks for pointing it out to me!
